Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wild Basin Hike

To start our day, we went and collected canned food items for our food drive.
Our senior patrol leader Jarom is one happy scout.

Our new scout Quinn proudly delivers the goods to the suburban.

Jayden and Brandon happily scoured through the bags to ensure food compliance.

We eventually made it to the trail head and posed for some pics.

Jayden wielding a root and a map in his hands.

Brandon trudging up the trail.

The scouts managed to climb the rock face. Talk about high adventure!

The view from atop the hill.

Jayden receiving some needed refreshment from Quinn's bottle. Quinn was more than willing to share some of his cold, cold water with a fellow scout.

This was truly was an adventure. One scout used sunscreen for the first time. Another scout managed to fall twice on the trail. Another scout wanted to eat pizza before the hike even began, and finally another scout wondering why we were even hiking. (And two scout leaders enjoying their morning)..... we conquered the trail! A proud moment after the wonderful hike. Thanks for the great hike men!!